Hello Everyone!
I’m Kylie Gray-Eilers
and Rural Entrepreneur!
10 years ago I was a single mom of a brand new baby, with no education, and no job.
I was born a multi-passionate person with big dreams about agriculture, rural living, entrepreneurial spirit and blue collar trades laid on my art. I’m not sure when I caught the bug, but it’s been who I am for a lot of years.
I fought like hell to make a life for myself and my son, when I was just a baby myself.
I never gave up and it turns out I just needed to meet someone with the same things on their heart and we both have ran with it since the day we met. Plus, just added four more kids in five years to keep life feeling like a circus.

When I started growing dahlias on a larger scale it was simply because it made me happy and I was suffering from postpartum depression looking for a way to to encourage me to get outside more.
Garden Therapy is a real thing my friends. So is the power of an idea . Thanks for being here because this passion project gives me life.
I often talk about the power of an idea, but it's because that is exactly how this venture started for Gray Girl Farms.
I was no stranger to farming when I started growing dahlias. I was suffering from postpartum depression and was looking for a way to encourage myself to be outside more with all of my then toddler age kids. I decided to take what was hobby gardening to the next level and started growing on a much larger scale. The process was therapeutic and quickly snowballed into much more when I was able to put my previous farming background spin on growing dahlias. We now offer USDA inspected quality tubers, fresh flowers and on farm education opportunities with big plans coming for expansion in 2023!
When you shop at my farm you support:
My Five Kids
Learning to work hard and finish jobs when they aren't that fun is a skill that isn't often taught anymore. Working with me on the farm gives them the opportunity to earn money, learn new skills and have a sense of responsibility that I know they will carry with them forever.
Women in Agriculture
My job will never be done shouting about women in ag until my daughters and the little girls I love, know they’ve got a seat at this table.
Making Small Farms Profitable
Small farms aren't a thing of the past. With the right methods and marketing, a small farm can be successful with big profits. There is hope for others who want to farm but don't have the generations of infrastructure before them or the ability to do so on a larger scale.
My childhood dreams
Of continuing my families involvement in agriculture. Over 100 years. The opportunity to work with my dad and siblings was such a gift, and it makes me cry that I get to do it with my kids and husband.
Embracing the Chaos!
Having a big family was always a dream for my husband and I. My greatest accomplishment will always be our family and I am so grateful they have each other. "Embrace the Chaos" is a life motto I adopted years ago because with a family this size my husband and I tease that someone is always laughing or crying.

Chat with me
We have lots of offerings this time of year! If you are interested and have questions feel free to reach out!